Friday, October 30, 2015

FYI: Article on Traits

Traits in a Mate “Psychology Today” December 2015
by Gwendolyn Seidman
·         Warmth/Trustworthiness
·         Vitality/Attractiveness
·         Status/Resources

The Relationship as a Whole
·         Intimacy/Loyalty
·         Passion

Intrinsic vs. External Goals
      Kindness, reliability, generosity vs. confidence, attractiveness, ethnicity

Focus is on extrinsic (see dating sites),” but these may prove to be inconsequential down the line.” “People may pass up partners who have qualities that make for a really fulfilling relationship”

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

FYI: Change-Tracy Chapman

Love is complicated.............

                                                               Change-Tracy Chapman

                                                       If you knew that you would die today,
                                                       If you saw the face of God and Love,
                                                                  Would you change? 
                                                                  Would you change?

If you knew that love can break your heart,

When you're down so low you cannot fall,
Would you change?
Would you change?

How bad, how good does it need to get?

How many losses, how much regret?
What chain reaction, what cause and effect,
Makes you turn around,
Makes you try to explain,
Makes you forgive and forget,
Makes you change?
Makes you change?

If you knew that you would be alone,

Knowing right, being wrong,
Would you change?
Would you change?

If you knew that you would find a truth,

That brings a pain that can't be soothed,
Would you change?
Would you change?

How bad, how good does it need to get?

How many losses, how much regret?
What chain reaction, what cause and effect,
Makes you turn around,
Makes you try to explain,
Makes you forgive and forget,
Makes you change?
Makes you change?

Are you so upright you can't be bent,

if it comes to blows?
Are you so sure you won't be crawling,
If not for the good why risk falling?
Why risk falling?

If everything you think you know,

Makes your life unbearable,
Would you change?
Would you change?

If you'd broken every rule and vow,

And hard times come to bring you down,
Would you change?
Would you change?

If you knew that you would die today,

If you saw the face of God and Love,
Would you change?
Would you change?
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you saw the face of God and Love.

Monday, October 26, 2015

FYI: Lost Love.....Love Lost...or not????

"Today, old lovers can type a name into Google. The act seems to be casual, whether it actually is or not. It's so easy to reconnect that many people look up old flames without appreciating what's at stake. Most of these romantic reunions, says California State University at Sacramento psychologist Nancy Kalish, are between first or early loves—those relationships that took place between one's teens and early 20s." (Pamela Weintraub-Psychology Today)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

FYI: Desired Traits in a Partner-for Men

Traits  in a Partner Desired By Men

  • Understanding
  • Caring
  • Supporting

  • Trust
  • Bond 
  • Sex

  • Best friend
  • Committment
  • Sex

  • Gentle
  • Honest
  • Understandable (?)

  • Honesty
  • Forgiveness
  • Dedication

  • Loyalty
  • Physically attractive
  • Honest

  • Commuation (?)
  • Love
  • Compable (?)

  • Loyalty
  • Trusting 
  • Outgoing

  • Respect
  • Caring 
  • Honesty

  • Humor
  • Happiness
  • Fun

  • Cuddling
  • Joking
  • Average daily contact
(?)=not clear

FYI: Traits Desired in a Partner...... for Women

Traits in a Partner Desired By Women

  • Honesty
  • Trust
  • Compaassion

  • Trust
  • Committment
  • Mutual Understanding

  • Honesty
  • Happiness
  • Creativity

  • Trusting
  • Honesty 
  • Caring

  • Trust
  • Loyalty
  • Good communication

  • Happiness
  • Loyalty

  • Honest
  • Loyalty
  • Spontaneous

  • Unconditional
  • Respectful
  • Kind

  • Companionship
  • Love
  • Differences

FYI: Jung Personality Assessment Alternative

Re: Personality/Relationship Compatibility

This is an alternative to the M-B personality
assessment. Not meant to be confused with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Series

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test™ instrument uses methodology, questionnaire, scoring and software that are proprietary to Humanmetrics, and shall not be confused with the , and/or instrument offered by CPP, Inc. Humanmetrics is not affiliated with CPP, Inc.

FYI: Women & Love

Friday, October 23, 2015

FYI: Homework Assignment #3 Lonesome Road Blues

Lonesome Road Blues

I walked on down that lonesome line
Hung my head and I cried
I wept and I cried under a willow tree
Out by the deep blue sea
My mama, my dear papa can be found,
And my brother on a county road
Now I been down that long plank walk,
I’m on my way back home

You cause me to weep, you do cause me to moan
You cause me to leave my home
I cried last night and the night before
I swear I won’t cry anymore

Your fast mail train comin round that track
Killed my brown eyed boy
They took him down that smokey track
Brought him back on a cooling board
Now I’m lookin down that lonesome line
Just as far as I care to see
I have no money lost my brown eyed boy
These blues won’t set me free

You do cause me to weep, you do cause me to moan
You cause me to leave my home
I cried last night and the night before
I swear I won’t cry anymore

1/ Read the lyrics song sung by Adreienne Young-Describe what you see has, and is, happening

2/ Describe her feelings toward each of the persons in the song

3/ Who is the "you" in the song?

4/ Describe the nature of the love/pain expressed for the persons in the song;

5/ How does the music add or detract to the story told.

ps: The cooling board is a wooden plank used for laying out a corpse so it could be prepared for burial.

Due next Wednesday! Sure, take a look at what others might have said, but I want your thoughts only.

FYI: Guys & Love

Monday, October 19, 2015

FYI: Guys: Clueless, Pre-Programmed, or "Dazed and Confused" -Dispelling the Myths

"Following this idea, men and women would be aware of the same behavioral cues, but men would have a lower threshold for what qualifies as sexual interest. In contrast, women would wait for compelling evidence before labeling a behavior as sexual interest.

However, Farris and her colleagues didn't find this to be the case. Rather than seeing the world through sex-colored glasses, men seemed just to have blurry vision of sorts, overall. For instance, the college guys sometimes mistook sexual advances as pal-like gestures". (

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

FYI: Sugar Intake Reduces Prejudice............


Prejudice and stereotyping cause social problems and intergroup tension. The current work examined whether bolstering self-control by giving participants glucose would reduce stereotype use for an impression formation task. Previous work has demonstrated that self-control depends on biologically expensive brain processes that consume energy derived from glucose in the bloodstream. In the current study, glucose was manipulated via lemonade sweetened with either sugar or Splenda. Compared to the control group, the participants in the glucose condition used fewer stereotypes when writing an essay about a day in the life of a gay man. In addition, high-prejudice participants in the glucose condition used fewer derogatory statements in their essays than high-prejudice participants in the control condition. The findings are discussed in terms of the importance of self-control resources in the effective regulation of prejudice and stereotyping."

"Stereotypes and prejudice in the blood: Sucrose drinks reduce prejudice and stereotyping"

Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 288–290
Gailliote, et al

FYI: Group Think.....A Disaster Waiting to Happen?

Jake Mohan 
Utne Reader

Unproductuive Conformity

“"Strange things start to happen when you put a handful of otherwise intelligent people in a room together,” remarks Alix Stuart in CFO magazine"

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Adolescent Turbulence

HR Class- Level of  Family Turbulence in Adolescence Survey

                                                                                                               5.7 Class Average                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1= Very Turbulent; 10=Very Smooth

Monday, October 5, 2015

FYI: A Disabling Illness

A life-altering, disabling illness that is a challenge to recover from......

Former Cleveland Indian Pitcher Asks for Time Off for Rehab

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015

Homework Assignment No. 2 Self-Esteem: Should We All Get Trpohies?

Drawing by Carl Vander Yacht
in NY Times

Re: Self Esteem: So what do you think of the reader's opinion about "Trophies for All"? Pros and Cons?

Read the "Trophies For All" article and state your opinion, and also make  sure you read the original article ("Losing is Good for You"), with link provided embedded in the first letter response by Vaughn Carney, that prompted these letters to the editor.

I'm interested in your views....Submit below and sign your response!

Due Wednesday, 10/7, end of day.

Trophies For All

Thursday, October 1, 2015

FYI: Is It All Bad? NY Times Article

Jim Windolf, NYT

"Even water has become a target. Recent articles point out that drinking eight glasses per day, long thought to be a good idea, is a fool’s game, and that too much water can kill you."

Ellen Weinstein