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Due Friday, September 11.
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ReplyDeleteI watched the $20 million key to happiness by Chevy Chase video. I agree with him that there isn't a specific key to happiness. People have different wants and value different things or ideas. Since people are not all the same, different things are going to bring them happiness. In the video, Chevy Chase gained happiness by getting $20 million for doing a film. His happiness began to drop when he realized he wouldn't get that kind of money again. Chevy Chase gained happiness from money but there are rich people and they are not happy. This shows that different things can make people happy so there is not a specific key to happiness.
ReplyDeleteChandler Shryock
I watched the "Porcupine Love" video by Elizbeth Gilbert. I definitely agree with her that we as people strive to be close and connected with others but also strive to be separated from others. We as people tend to want to be close to others to have a sense of being loved and cared for but at the same time know how it feels to be used to those feelings and then be taken away from us. When close and huddled like porcupines, we have found our sense of happiness with that other one but then at times still need to be disconnected and alone to maintain total happiness. We find happiness being connected and happiness being disconnected and we need a balance of both to be happy.
ReplyDeleteShania Claar
While watching the Chevy Chase video I started to see a similar idea in the way I as well view happiness. Chevy say their not one answer and i would completely agree. Its very hard to put an answer to happiness because every human is different its what makes us human, the fact that every person in the universe is different. When Chevy states "I would be happy if i made another 20 million dollar movie" This shows that money can make people happy no matter who you are. I Don't think that there are to many people if any that would turn down 20 million dollars. In collusion there is no way to put a answer to happiness it is truly what each persons makes of it.
ReplyDeleteI watched the video with Joan Rivers speaking about how people should not waste time thinking about their emotions. I think she has a point to an extent. I believe a person has more important things on their mind to worry about, but to some people happiness, anger, and etc. emotions take over a persons life. Emotions just come naturally to a person and cant be stopped. Happiness is one of those emotions and i do believe that is important for a human to live a healthy life is to be genuinely happy.
ReplyDelete-Nicole Chabra
I like your post. I think you really have a good point about emotions coming to people naturally. It seems like Joan Rivers is saying people should almost ignore the problems (and emotions) and spend their time on more important things. I agree with your opinion on this video completely.
Delete-Larissa Coteat
I watched the video called "quit wasting your time". I agree with her that there isn't enough time to be feeling emotions. There are 168 hours in a week. After you put in the hours of working, going to school, cleaning, driving, self cleansing, and all the other stuff you do in your time, you really don't have enough time to worry about the little things in life. Benjamin Franklin said " Lost time is never found again." this is true because you can't go back in time and reverse what already happened. instead of worrying about your fear, happiness, sadness, etc. you should worry about more important things in life.
ReplyDelete-Irina Stadalsky
I watched Joan Rivers talk about how emotions have only become a priority in recent years, and about how this is a step backwards. I agree that the mindset in today's society is too focused on finding "what makes me happy." Happiness is indeed a desirable goal, but it should not be as much a driving force as it is in society. This idea that people should be able to do whatever they want to make themselves happy has led to people raising offense to things they do not have any right to be offended about. One such case that immediately comes to mind was the consideration to changing the Pledge of Allegiance because it says, "one nation under God," and that makes some people feel unhappy, despite the fact that this thinking was the foundation of America as a nation. Rivers pointed out that people need to take a look at what is important and not sit and ponder their feelings and use them as the end all be all.
ReplyDelete-Joseph Clay
I viewed the Joan Rivers "Quit Wasting Your TIme" video. Joan started her video by stating her idea that we have too much time on our hands to think about our own happiness. I don't think I agree with that because most people would say they are too busy, so how would we have "..too much time on our hand to think about fear, and anxiety, and am I happy..." Comparing today's idea of happiness to pioneers from a hundred years past isn't cognizant because those people lived in a different time, and it would be inaccurate to make assumptions about their happiness. No one knows if they were happy "without an arrow threw their head." I can understand where she's coming from though. She makes a good point but it's not comparable. Her closing statement about how folks have too much time to deal with our problems is suggesting a self destructive behavior called denial. Taking time to deal with our problems is important for our health and over all happiness. If you don't take the necessary time to deal with problems, then you can never expect to be able to "get over your problems and get to work."
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying her viewpoint is wrong. It has obviously worked for her.
-Larissa Coteat
"Happiness is finding enjoyment in life's struggles" by John Leguizamo. I guess he is right, get over yourself. Life is always challenging, its pain, and if you are able deal that and enjoy, it's Happiness.I really like Mr. Leguizamo's video was about the struggling. He said that enjoyed the struggle not the end result, that’s the happiness. Some of the things we have done what make us excited or bring smiley face, doesn’t mean we have achieved happiness. I think it's just comes and goes. Myself, I am seeking for happiness also. What I do on free times is, I helped people who were struggling to learn English. I mean there are bunch of people who were struggling on English including myself, because of immigrant from different country plus it's second language, I shared what I have to others(like education) which I feels happy at those moments.
ReplyDelete-Madhav Parajuli
I watched "The Juicy State Of Happiness" by Alanis Morissette. I agree with her video. Being happy is a really good feeling. It really does make your cheeks red because you cant help but to while while your happy. Its just a feeling that everyone should never want to get over. I also watched "Quit Wasting Your Time" by Joan Rivers. I agree with what she was saying as well. People really do waste their time on stuff when they can jus be happy and worry free.
ReplyDelete-De'Asja Higgins
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DeleteI watched "Quit waisting your time" by Joan Rivers. I agree with her one hundred percent. life is way to short to be mad, sad, or stressed out over something. We need to learn how to let situations go and move on. We have to much time on our hands to think about if we are happy or not.
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DeleteIs this you Taylor?
DeleteI watched "The Juicy State Of Happiness" by Alanis Morissette. I agree with Alanis. I believe happiness is short term, it changes with each event. I believe that the feeling of happiness is the best feeling one could experience. We are always searching for that happiness.
ReplyDelete-Natalie Podojil
I watched Happiness? What is happiness by John Leguizamo I agree with him because life is a challenge and your happy one moment and unhappy the next moment and your back where you started
ReplyDelete-Malcolm Ferguson
I watched all of the videos, mostly becuase I found it very interesting that a lot of the people in the videos are people who are wealthy and who the public would picture as happy. That was not the case though, in fact a lot of the people interviewed didnt believe that happiness is even a real emotion or they suggested it was just how you viewed life in general. One in perticular I found interesting was John Leguizamo when he explained that in order to be happy in life you have be able to be happy with the unhappy moments in life and that life isnt easy, it is hard but you have to be able to face that to survive.
ReplyDelete-Jonathan Davis
Great you watched all!
DeleteI watched "Porcupine Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I agree with the notion that love inevitably end with hurt, so people attempt to avoid it by distancing themselves from loved ones. I don't agree that they do this with family members like parents or siblings, though. Most people strive to be close with loved ones, but there are also those people that strive to avoid the inevitable that lies ahead.
ReplyDelete- Anthony Dechoudens
I watched the video entitled "Happiness? What Happiness?" Although it was only 45 seconds long, it was definitely one of the most accurate videos I have seen in awhile. During the clip, the guy talked about how there really is no happiness in life, rather finding happiness in all of life's bad moments: find the good in the bad and to make the most of every bad situation and I completely agree with what was said.
ReplyDelete-Alicia Moore
I watched "Happiness demystified" by Larry David. In the video, David said that generally religious people are more happy due to the fact that if they are not satisfied with the way you did things in life, then you have another one to look forward to after you're gone. He also mentioned how if you're not getting enough sex, you tend to be less happy. I mostly agree with David on his outlook on happiness from a religious standpoint as well as the need for sex in male and female mindsets.
ReplyDelete-Matt Ackerman
I decided to watch" Happiness? What happiness?" and even though it was such a short film the words said during it's time were eye opening and 100% truthful. I like how he goes on to say that to experience happiness you have to learn to appreciate the rough parts of life. That to me couldn't be anymore true, once a person can accept the bad part of life the little things mean much more then they ever could before learning to appreciate it. Best short film on happiness that I've seen, this being the first film that I've watched about happiness.
ReplyDelete-Mitchell Chaboudy
I watched the one with Chevy Chase and he says that 20 million dollars would make him more happy, this could help prove that money can buy happiness because this is a person with a lot of money saying that more would make him more happy. I don't think that i would be able to find one person to turn down that kind of money. He also says that there isn't a defined answer to happiness which i also think is true because I think that happiness is different for every person.
ReplyDelete- Aaron Brodnik
I watched porcupine love. In this video it makes a very good simile on how we are like porcupines with our emotions. We crave love and acceptance and when we get it we love it but then one day we get mad at someone or aka spine then with our needles of emotions. Then we retreat and leave everything alone but then later on down the road we want all that love and affection all over again and we go back for more and we get the same outcome in the end. So this just shows how we have a range of emotions and that we never can be settled on one emotion because we are always and forever changing.
ReplyDelete-Christian Burke
The video I watched was porcupine love. I thought the end of the video was the most eye-opening. The whole video talks about how relationships are like porcupines. When you get too close you get stabbed and back away but then you get cold. Then it goes into how a porcupine learns to generate its own heat to keep a safe distance so it doesn't get hurt. What this seems like to me is, when you get to know yourself you're generating your own heat so you don't get to close to get hurt.
ReplyDelete-Jessika Boyd
I watched the video featuring Joan Rivers, "Quit Wasting Your Time." She brings up the idea that in this day and age people have too much time to think about how their life is and whether or not they are happy. Though I do think this is true, it seems that life has only become easier with technology and advancements compared to the pioneer days. She makes a comment about how we shouldn't spend so much time doing what makes us happy and that's where I disagree. I think we should do what makes us happy because we are the ones that have to live with ourselves. I don't see a point in living a miserable life when you could be happy. I don't think, "We need to get over our problems and get to work."
ReplyDelete- Danielle Allio
I watched the video "what is happiness". It is true like what is happiness because it is temporarily and you got to enjoy the little things in life. If you can make it through the struggle and the hard times with at least a smile you can never really be down. Happiness is basically what you make of it because you will never be 100% happy you'll always want more or something is just not gone be right but that's life. Just like if you go to a party that's not fun you can either be bored and hate that your there, or make the most of it and have as much fun as possible. -Michael Martin
ReplyDeleteI watched the video What happiness. It was short but i definitely agree that being able to be happy even in the darker moments of life are important. Happiness is such a fluidly defined emotion that i makes it hard to pin down what exactly one can do to be happy. but i believe that if you can smile even as this are going wrong around you or even just find a way to cope with these things you will find yourself a more balanced and happy individual. -- Jamal James
ReplyDeleteI watched the video "quit wasting your time" by Joan Rivers. I agree in her case about people having too much time to think about whether or not you are happy. You need to live your life ding what you like, and knowing that you are going to wake up the next day. Happiness will never exist or if it does exist it generally lasts for a short time due to today's social media it does not allow people to be happy because they either see or are told about something happening that turns there mood from good to bad. Appreciate what is going on around you and be happy that you are safe. -John Nelson
ReplyDeleteI watched the video "quit wasting your time" by Joan Rivers. I agree in her case about people having too much time to think about whether or not you are happy. You need to live your life ding what you like, and knowing that you are going to wake up the next day. Happiness will never exist or if it does exist it generally lasts for a short time due to today's social media it does not allow people to be happy because they either see or are told about something happening that turns there mood from good to bad. Appreciate what is going on around you and be happy that you are safe. -John Nelson
ReplyDeleteI watched the happiness demystified by Larry David. I like how he was talking about how religion was kind of like a happiness buffer. He talks about how even if they screw up in this life they still have the idea in their head that they have a 2nd chance in the next life. He the. Goes on to talk about how living in a bad situation such as being jobless broke and in a crappy apartment and having this religion won't nessicaeily make you happy. I don't no how I feel about this part on one hand id like to be rich but on the other hand feeling connected with the universe or gos or whatever is seemingly more rewarding.
ReplyDeleteDan Padolewski
Glad this worked for you!
DeleteI watched Joan Rivers, where she thinks that we spend most of our time on other things and no worry about our own happiness. I don’t agree with here because I honestly think that happiness is here and now. If you are not happy now, you might as well admit you are not happy. I think that happiness is not in the past, sometime in the future, or at the end of any road. It can't be obtained through reasoning or acquired through thought. It can only be felt in this exact moment where we are standing. we're either happy or you're not. Too many of us spend most of our lives planning for happiness, when we could have been happy instead! Focus on the current moment. Make some sacrifices. If something isn't making you happy, there is a good chance you have overestimated its value. We are here, and life is now. There are no exceptions.
ReplyDeleteBoubacar Ide
I watched the video on Chevy Chase .I understand that real happiness comes from family and friends and pets... Like Chevy said 20million MADE him happy but it only last momentary. His animals and family plays a part in his over all happiness... Aundra. Glover