Tuesday, September 8, 2015

FYI: Gender Views on Red-Haired Persons

Hypohesis: There is no difference (null hypothesis) in how men and women rank the intelligence of red-haired persons

 Results: In our class of 29 respondents, the null hypothsis was proven correct, under the constriants of the likely less than random sample of 29 UA colllege students.

 Question: Why is this sample chosen not likely to be representative of the views of Americans in general?

Here's a quick article on some facts/myths about redheads!

1. Select category2. Choose calculator3. Enter data4. View results

Unpaired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
  The two-tailed P value equals 0.5127
  By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not statistically significant.

Confidence interval:
  The mean of Men minus Women equals 0.71
  95% confidence interval of this difference: From -1.48 to 2.89

Intermediate values used in calculations:
  t = 0.6634
  df = 27
  standard error of difference = 1.066

Learn more:
GraphPad's web site includes portions of the manual for GraphPad Prism that can help you learn statistics. First, review the meaning of P values and confidence intervals. Then learn how to interpret results from an unpaired or paired t test. These links include GraphPad's popular analysis checklists.

Review your data:
  Group  Men    Women  
N18    11    

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