Thursday, September 10, 2015

FYI: How Happy Is Our Class?

Overall Pew Research Poll United States Very Happy 34% Pretty Happy 50% Not So Happy 15%

Online Graphing


  1. My idea of happiness is simple. It is when you are willing to take an initiative to observe and appreciate the little things in life and not to be ignorant whatsoever. How many of us actually feel thankful and fortunate that we are still able to wake up every morning to face the day’s agendas? For all we know, we could have lost the chance to see daylight due to some unpredictable events, and yet we complain about how life can be so insipid and mundane. Happiness can be obtained by observing the beauty and serenity of nature, and awe at the wondrous works of our Creator such as the sound of the falling rain, the chirping of birds and the changing of colours of the leaves.

    1. I agree with you. You said that very well.
